Nalychevo Nature Park
on request
For the connoisseurs of hiking, photographs, ornithologists and naturalists!
Period: all year round
Group size: on request
Price per person: on request
We offer you to visit Nalychevo natural reserve, which is situated in the picturesque valley of the same named river. The park is included into the list of the world heritage UNESCO in the nomination «Volcanoes of Kamchatka». Nalychevo valley is interesting equally to connoisseurs of hiking, photographs, ornithologists, naturalists, to those who want to improve health and the lovers of an active rest.
Kamchatka one phenomena Nalychevo Valley
The main sightseeing and fortune of Nalychevo Natural Park are its thermal waters. Hydro geologists distinguish 7 types of waters here which are unique in Russia. The most attended hot thermal springs are Goryacherechenskie, Zheltorechenskie, Talovskye and Krayevedcheskie; cold springs Aagskie, Koryakskie and Chistinskie.
Balneal qualities of waters are defined by the presence and the amount of these or those salts and biologically active components. Such mineral waters are prescribed for the prophylactics and treatment of cardiovascular and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, persons whose work is connected with radiation, skin diseases, injures, cuts and facilitates metabolism. Waters of Nalychevo valley are unique in Russia and form a separate Nalychevo type.
About 100 birds’ species are nesting in the reserve: among them «The Red Book» gyrfalcon, pacific brand goose and Steller's sea eagle.
Bears graze on the rich in berries tundra of the Nalychevskaya valley and bighorn sheep inhabits on the slopes of volcanoes and rocks of Nalychevo cape.
To get to the Nalychevo Park you may on foot, by all-terrain cars or helicopter, and in winter by ski or snowmobile